Foods Models Eat

Models look great in pictures as well as on catwalks. Other than being blessed with fantastic genes, what they put in their mouth also contributes a lot to their svelte figures and glowing beauty. Read on to know what most models eat plenty of.

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Beta carotene in carrots is converted to vitamin A, a nutrient that promotes healthy and radiant skin. Because vitamin A has antioxidant properties, loading up on carrots also keeps those unsightly wrinkles, fine lines and liver spots out of the picture.

Green Tea

Antioxidant-packed green tea helps combat excess free radicals, keeping them from making you look tired and old. Green tea also helps calm the mind and body, allowing you to get enough rest and sleep — both necessary for utmost beauty.

Citrus Fruits

It’s no secret that citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, a nutrient revered for its superb antioxidant properties. A refreshing and enjoyable way to have your dose of vitamin C is by juicing citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lime.


Everyone knows that tomatoes are packed with antioxidants. In the modeling world, it’s important for women to have radiant skin. You too may attain such dazzling physical characteristic simply by incorporating tomatoes in your daily diet.

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Healthy fats in almonds give you the energy you need to regularly exercise in order to keep flab at bay. They also make for tasty, nutritious and satisfying snacks, saving you from reaching for sinful foods that can ruin your figure like crazy.

Unsweetened Yogurt

Yogurt without the addition of sugar, flavoring and other unnecessary ingredients is good for the teeth and bones. Billions of friendly bacteria in this dairy food product also stave off various gut problems and help in flattening your belly area.


Models need to have perfect smiles especially when it’s time for those close-up shots. Eating hard cheese is recommended because it prevents the multiplication of oral bacteria that cause problems such as cavities and dental caries.


Nutritious and low in calories, having plenty of vegetables is good for your health. Green leafy ones especially are loaded with fiber that makes you feel full easily and for a longer period of time. Dietary fiber they have plenty of flushes out impurities in the gut, helping you attain a flatter abdominal area and flawless skin that glows with youthful beauty.

As you can see, there is really no need to special and expensive pre-packaged meals to be just as attractive as your favorite supermodels. All you need to do is consume the foods mentioned above and start embracing a healthy lifestyle.

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