7 Joint Pain Triggers That Can Make Rheumatoid Arthritis Worse

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can be made more effective if only you would avoid these health mistakes. The progression can also be slowed.

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Your joins suffer from additional stress if you carry excess weight. This makes the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis worse and also increases the risks of getting other health problems such as heart disease. Obese people with rheumatoid arthritis score higher in disease activity, which means that their arthritis is becoming worse regardless of what the stage of their disease is, than those who aren’t obese. Maintaining a healthy weight and losing weight can lessen the number of inflammatory proteins found in the blood that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

The pains in the joint may be increased by stress, through having the immune function altered and worsening your rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers have yet to understand the connection amid stress and rheumatoid arthritis; however stress clearly affects how people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis feel.

Exercise is essential to build the strength of muscles and have your joints protected, but activities that impact high such as running may cause pain to the joints during flares of your rheumatoid arthritis. Refrain from forcing yourself to do extra tasks that you cannot do when your joints are inflamed.

Staying physically active is important and possible. In many ways, a lifestyle that is sedentary harms your health, from the increased risks of heart disease up to harming your joints further. Lack of strength in the muscle can mean lack of protection in the joints. Physical activity and exercise seem to bring some effects that are anti-inflammatory that may possess benefits for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It’s unnecessary to run a marathon to reap benefits in exercise.

It can be harder to control joint pain if you keep waiting to consult your doctor about new rheumatoid arthritis symptoms or early ones. It is of utmost important that people catch rheumatoid arthritis early to ensure that the pain in the joints do not get worse. Use anti rheumatic drugs to prompt treatment or use biologics to slow the progression.

The enzymes responsible for the inflammation of the joints are activated by consuming excessive foods that are rich in omega six fatty acids, which meats contain. Foods that are rick in omega three fatty acids that fight inflammation are salmon and other cold water fish. Imbalance of omega three and omega six acids may trigger the inflammation of joints and worsen the symptoms of RA.

Smoking is linked to developing an increased risk for having rheumatoid arthritis. Continuing to smoke when you have RA makes the joint pain worse.

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