Common Causes of Weak Muscles (And How to Beat Muscle Weakness Naturally)

Does it feel like you don’t have enough muscle strength to perform different physical tasks? Muscle weakness or fatigue is something that all people tend to experience at one point in their life. It can be something that’s mild or severe, or temporary or permanent. Some cases of it are due to underlying medical conditions. If your muscle weakness persists for several days, it’s important to be checked by a doctor to have the cause determined.

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Below you will find some of the most common causes of muscle weakness. Read on!

• A sedentary lifestyle. Without regular exercise or physical activity, you lose muscles. This can cause you to feel weak and unable to carry out your usual physical activities. Fatigue is also a common occurrence if you’ve been ill for days and you took plenty of bed rest. You can combat the problem by including exercise as part of your daily regimen. Make sure that you gradually increase the intensity and duration.

• Low levels of potassium or sodium. Both potassium and sodium are electrolytes necessary for muscle functioning. You can easily lose the said electrolytes through your sweat, such as when engaging in strenuous exercise or sports. When this happens, it’s not unlikely for your muscles to feel weak. A very simple way to have this issue remedied is by guzzling down sports drinks containing potassium and sodium.

• Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. This condition is very common in individuals suffering from diabetes, and it can be a very serious one. However, this does not mean that a person who has no diabetes is off the hook because he or she may also suffer from hypoglycemia. If you have diabetes, it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations. Oftentimes, popping a candy in your mouth can help increase blood sugar.

• Not enough sleep. It’s no secret that sleeplessness or insomnia can ruin your health big time. One of the negative effects of not having a good night’s sleep is fatigue the following day. Having enough sleep at night is vital not only to combat fatigue but many other health risks too. Needless to say, making sure that you spend enough time in dreamland can help in preventing insomnia-related muscle weakness.

• Vitamin B12 deficiency. Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is important for healthy nerves. Being deficient in the said nutrient may cause nerve damage, eventually leaving your muscles feeling weak. It’s not unlikely for vitamin B12 deficiency to cause you to lose reflexes too. Consuming vitamin B12-rich foods is a great idea. Some examples are meat, poultry, eggs, fish, as well as milk and milk products.

• Anemia. This condition is characterized by low red blood cell count. Your red blood cells are the ones that allow for the transport of oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body, including your muscles. Without enough oxygen, your muscles may feel weak. Make sure that you follow the treatment course provided by your doctor. You should also eat iron-rich foods such as beef, lamb, liver, nuts, seeds and dark leafy green veggies.

• Hypothyroidism. Your thyroid secretes hormones that regulate your metabolism, and it includes the way your muscles utilize available energy in your body. If the activity of the said gland slows down, a condition known as hypothyroidism happens and it can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue. Consider including iodine-rich foods in the diet such as seaweeds, eggs and dairy products.

• Multiple sclerosis. This autoimmune disorder involves damage to the myelin sheath, the protective covering of your nerve cells. There are many symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis or MS, and some of them include muscle cramping and muscle weakness that usually worsens slowly over time. Your doctor will tell you some of the things that may be done to combat fatigue due to MS.

• Chronic fatigue syndrome. Known as CFS for short, this is a condition wherein the individual suffers from overwhelming tiredness. The problem with CFS is its causes are not fully understood by the experts. What’s more, it can be very challenging to diagnose. See to it that you see a doctor who understands this condition very well so that you may obtain proper treatment.

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