Home Remedies for Anemia

Anemia is the condition when the body lacks red blood cells. This may make a patient faint, feel dizzy, breathe short breaths and suffer from fatigue, chest pain, and headache. A certain amount of iron is needed by the body to function normally. The body’s hemoglobin depends on the red blood cells to do its job of distributing oxygen throughout the body.

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Vitamin B12 and Figs

Take Vitamin B12 daily as a remedy for anemia. It is one of the minerals the body needs to sustain good metabolism and promote optimum body function.

Another excellent remedy is the consumption of figs. When you eat 3-4 pieces of figs daily, you have better chances against anemia.


Too much caffeine sends the body to different adverse conditions. Moderate your coffee consumption. You may try decaf as an alternative.


Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This is a solution proven to be of great help to cure anemia.

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Vitamin C is necessary to keep the body healthy. Eat at least two citrus fruits every day. It also a great source of iron. Another option is to eat 2-3 pieces of apples daily. An increase intake of iron is the best remedy for anemia.

Iron deficiency results to anemia. You may also take vitamins daily to get the proper amount of iron needed by the body.


A five to ten minute bath is also effective treatment for anemic patients. A cold bath taken two times a day is also a great remedy. If hesitant to get a full bath, try soaking your feet as an alternative.


Massage the hands, arms and legs to keep the blood flowing. Massage has been a part of treating anemic patients. Do this regularly.

Diet is always a factor in almost all the body illnesses and other conditions. Monitor what you eat daily. Always incorporate fruits and vegetables to get the needed minerals and vitamins. A conscious healthy choice gives the person the feeling of being healthy and whole.

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