Linden Flower Tea Health Benefits

Linden is a very beautiful tree, and that’s why it is commonly used for ornamental purposes. But other than its stunning appearance, the said tree bears flowers that can be turned into a cup of tea which offers a number of health benefits. Continue reading to learn more about linden flower tea.

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One of the nicest thing about linden flower tea is every serving of it is devoid of caffeine. That’s because it is an herbal tea and not a true tea like black or green tea. This only means that you can consume it even if you tend to develop unfavorable symptoms after the consumption of coffee or anything that has caffeine in it.

Another wonderful thing about linden flower tea is it has a pleasing sweet taste, unlike most other herbal teas out there that are on the bitter side flavor-wise. This only means that consuming a cup of linden flower tea is always a pleasure rather than a drag. Its smell which has relaxing abilities is also a delight to the nose.

You don’t need to have a linden tree (also known as lime tree or basswood, by the way) in your garden just to enjoy a cup of linden flower tea every now and then. Because it’s quite popular, you can always purchase linden flower tea bags from many reputable herbal shops or health food stores on the internet and offline. Some vendors even carry dried loose linden flowers, and a teaspoon of those is equivalent to the contents of one linden flower tea bag.

To make yourself a freshly-brewed cup of linden flower tea, all you have to do is allow a tea bag to steep in a cup of hot water for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea to be. Just like what’s said earlier, this herbal tea has a sweet taste, but you may choose to add a teaspoon of lemon juice or honey to it.

And why you should make a cup of linden flower tea on a regular basis? Here are some of the reasons:

It Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Leading a very stressful life? Then you can benefit tremendously from having a cup of linden flower tea because it is known to have the amazing ability to lower a person’s stress levels.

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You may also consume linden flower tea if you are having an anxiety attack because it’s very good at relaxing the mind. Needless to say, it’s a wonderful idea for you to have a cup of linden flower tea at night if anxious thoughts are keeping your from falling asleep due to insomnia.

It Alleviates Upper Respiratory Infections

Having a cup of freshly-brewed linden flower tea is recommendable if you are suffering from the common cold or flu. Actually, this herbal drink is commonly used by traditional healers in opening up airways that are clogged up by excessive amounts of mucus and phlegm, thus allowing for a more comfortable breathing.

It Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Linden flower tea may also be taken by individuals who are hypertensive. It’s for the fact that it is capable of making the blood vessels dilate, which results in the lowering of the blood pressure. By keeping high blood pressure at bay, one can considerably reduce his or her risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

However, refrain from taking linden flower tea if you have low blood pressure, or even if you have high blood pressure and your doctor has already prescribed you with blood pressure-lowering medications.

It Improves Digestion

Finally, you may enjoy a cup of linden flower tea after enjoying a meal, especially if you are prone to having indigestion. A cup of linden flower tea is actually very good at boosting the process of digestion. Not only will this help ease an upset stomach, but also ensure that your body can obtain all of the nutrients in the foods you consume.

CAUTION: Before using any herbal tea for any therapeutic reason, make sure that you let your doctor know about your plan first. This is true most especially if you are pregnant or nursing, or diagnosed with a medical condition and currently taking drugs for its management.

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