Love Your Body, Love Your Brain

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month. Hence, Alzheimer’s Association releases 10 Ways to Love Your Brain to remind people to maintain their brain’s health.

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According to Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 47 million people worldwide are afflicted with dementia in 2015 and the number is projected to triple by 2050.

Experts recognize the importance of maintaining the health of one’s body to achieve healthy brain; however, many people tend to overlook this truth.

At present, brain expert tells that they are engaging the people to be aware that eating right, exercising regularly and maintaining one’s health are essentially responsible into the graceful aging of the brain.

Experts also reveal that medical science cannot cease the progression of either dementia or Alzheimer’s disease but everyone can take vital measures in keeping their ability to think, solve problems and remember, as they get older.

Medical experts imply that there is no assurance that if you do this, it will reduce your risk from brain disorder. However, doing the top 10 ways to love your brain in balance will be helpful in making you age as healthfully as you can.

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In addition, maintaining the health of your heart and your circulatory system appears to be a major factor in protecting your mental abilities. As such, researchers believe that micro-strokes or tiny decreases in the blood flow to the brain can increase and over time, it causes a person to suffer a loss of their faculties.

Thus, neurologist explains that if the person keeps the brain healthy and active, it can preserve the brain reserve, the ability of the brain to weather various insults including aging.  The more brain reserve a person brings, the older they can get without showing signs and symptoms of memory loss.

These tips from the Alzheimer’s Association urge everyone to do the following to stay healthy both in mind and in body.

  • Involve in regular exercise. Neurologist tells that several studies have associated exercise to reduced risk of brain decline.
  • Stop smoking. Alzheimer’s association reveals that smoking adds to susceptibility of brain decline. Thus, it is better to quit the bad habit as it lowers down smoker’s risk levels comparable to people who have never smoked.
  • Treat conditions that can influence heart health. Addressing chronic health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes as well as high cholesterol levels is vital so as not to take a toll on your brain and your heart
  • Get plenty of sleep. The association also implies that studies have linked sleeplessness with memory and thinking problems.
  • Maintain your mental health. Neurologist tells that excessive production of stress hormones can cause the brain shrink more rapidly. Therefore, depression, anxiety and stress must be given attention as these conditions can haste brain’s aging if they are left untreated.
  • Prevent head and brain injuries. Brain injuries as mild as a concussion make you at risk of brain decline and dementia. Thus, always wear protective headgear such as helmet when on a bike, motorcycle or playing contact sports. Also, wear seatbelt and prevent yourself from falling down.
  • Consume a healthy low-fat diet and eat more fruits and veggies. Neurologist advises to eat healthy as it influences not only the risk of developing brain disturbances but also affects one’s longevity.
  • Focus on keeping your brain active. By doing so, this will help preserve brain’s health.

Apart from the aforementioned tips given by the association, they also emphasize to do the following for the brain.

  • Keep learning. Involvement in continuing education programs can help in reducing the risk of brain decline and dementia.
  • Continue to be sociable. People who possess an active social life have demonstrated more active and healthier brains.
  • Challenge your brain. Engage in thought provoking activity whether solving a puzzle or Sudoku or creating a piece of art. These mental activities are helpful in keeping your brain active.

These measures may be simple but they all appear beneficial in preserving the health of the brain.

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