Really Simple DIY Herbal Feminine Wash

Feminine wash is a product designed for cleaning the intimate area of a woman. Unlike soap that’s simply too harsh, it is specifically formulated to ward off imbalance of bacteria and acidity level of the vagina. The regular use of feminine wash helps remove vaginal discharge and prevent problems such as underwear staining, bad odor and even infections.

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However, not all feminine washes on the current market are created equally. Some of them may contain harsh ingredients that are unfavorable for the vagina as well as the overall health. Adverse chemicals found in certain brands include parabens, fragrances and artificial colorings. Some of these ingredients are associated with allergy and even hormonal imbalance that can lead to an assortment of health issues.

Worried that you may end up using the wrong feminine wash? Why not try making your own at home? It’s something that contains none of the harsh ingredients mentioned above and employs only mild and all-natural ingredients that are not harsh for your vagina. Since it relies on herbs, you don’t have to worry about unfavorable side effects.

Are you ready to whip up the best feminine wash on the planet? Here’s how to do it:


  • 1/2 cup of witch hazel
  • 1/2 cup of rosewater
  • 3 teaspoons of almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon of castile soap
  • 6 drops of lavender essential oil


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  1. Grab a clean pump dispenser that’s capable of holding up to 8 ounces of fluid.
  1. Using a funnel, place your witch hazel, rosewater, almond oil, castile soap and lavender essential oil in it.
  1. Place the cap or nozzle. Blend all of the ingredients by swirling the bottle.

You’re done! Now you have the mildest feminine wash on the planet. The herbal ingredients used work together in freshening up your intimate area without disrupting the proper balance of bacteria in it and pH levels. The absence of harsh chemicals found in most feminine washes of today can give you utmost peace of mind each time you use this mild DIY feminine wash. Just how mild it is? You may even skip rinsing off the product with water!

Witch hazel has antioxidant properties that protect your vagina and at the same time kill off bad bacteria that can cause an infection in case they multiply uncontrollably. Should you have a feminine issue down there, you can count on witch hazel to provide solution to inflammation and irritation. By the way, it’s a good idea to opt for alcohol-free witch hazel when making your very own feminine wash in order to prevent unwanted feminine dryness and irritation.

Rose water has cleansing properties, allowing you to feel really fresh and confident each time you use your homemade feminine wash that contains nothing but all-natural ingredients. Aside from being a superb cleanser, rose water also helps keep the vagina from drying up, thanks to its natural sugar content that helps retain moisture. What’s so great about rose water is it does all of these huge favors without leaving your vagina’s proper pH levels in shambles.

Why spend a lot of money on commercially-available feminine wash when you can simply make one at home? While it is true that reaching for a bottle of feminine wash at your favorite supermarket or pharmacy is a lot easier than gathering all of the ingredients stated above from online or offline health food stores, coming up with an all-natural feminine wash is one of the biggest favors you can give to yourself.

After whipping up this homemade feminine wash, do come back to this site and tell us how it fares against your favorite brand of feminine wash!

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