5 Healthy Easter Foods

Easter, the oldest and most significant event of the Christian Church, calls for some celebration. Part of it is serving all sorts of scrumptious traditional foods on the table. Continue reading to get acquainted with five common ingredients that can make the celebration of Easter good for your spirit, taste buds as well as overall health.

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Instead of focusing on the amount of cholesterol, health authorities say you should pay special attention to saturated and trans fats present in food. Eggs are low in both types of fats whether the yolk or whites are concerned.

It’s not really a good idea to steer clear of the yolk because that’s where most of the nutrients an egg packs can be found. Other than high quality protein, the yolk is also loaded with vitamin D (good for the mood and immune system) and choline (necessary for brain health).


Spuds are bad for you only when deep-fried in hydrogenated oil and sprinkled with truckloads of salt afterwards. Otherwise, potatoes are actually good for the body in more ways than one.

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Dietary fiber, iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6 are all supplied by potatoes. One medium-sized potato is said to contain more potassium than a piece of banana. The unique kind of starch found in a spud is also ideal for weight-watchers because it triggers the body to burn fat cells to supply your body with fuel.


A symbolic food during Easter, horseradish is more than just a condiment. This root vegetable is capable of clearing stuffy nose and sinuses, allowing you to breathe more comfortably. Horseradish aids in the digestive process as well as stimulates the appetite. It also contains vitamin C necessary for stronger teeth and bones, and optimal immune system health.


Don’t consider parsley as mere eye-candy. This aromatic vegetable and herb is actually good at promoting immune health as it contains vitamins A and C. Because both of these vitamins are antioxidants, adding parsley to traditional Easter dishes helps delay the appearance of aging signs and prevent the development of cancer cells as well as keep them from growing.


Red wine is not the only nutritional powerhouse when alcohol suited for Easter celebration is being talked about. According to scientific investigations, white wine is just as good as red wine in lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL or good cholesterol) and increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol). Additionally, it has been found out that antioxidants red and white wines pack help deal with chronic inflammation effectively.

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