Home Solutions For Itchy Scalp

Frequent scalp itchiness should not be neglected especially when it affects your normal routine. Scalp itching can be signs of different hair and scalp problems such as dandruff, dry scalp, sebaceous cysts, fungus and viral infection. It can also signal poor hair care, unhealthy diet and excessive anxiety due to stress.

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Do not worry. You may try these common kitchen ingredients in treating this nasty itchy scalp even at the comforts of your home.

  1. Baking Soda

This home kitchen ingredient is beneficial in relieving itchy scalp. It gets rid of the itch by exfoliating the scalp and controlling dandruff caused by overactive fungi.

The remedy: Prepare a baking soda paste by mixing baking soda and water. Apply it directly on the scalp. For best results, rub some olive oil on your scalp prior to application of the mixture. Allow it to soak into your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse well with water.

  1. Banana

Banana is also a natural remedy to treat itchy scalp. Apart from treating itchy scalp, banana also provides conditioning to your hair. Banana’s nourishing and moisturizing properties can diminish flakes, dandruff and inflammation.

The remedy: Mash two bananas and mix them together with one ripe avocado. Apply this mixture to your scalp as well as to your hair if you want. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly.

  1. Lemon Juice

It helps in treating an itchy and dry scalp because of its antiseptic properties. It is useful when dealing with dandruff.

The remedy: Apply fresh lemon juice thoroughly on the scalp. Leave it for five minutes and shampoo your hair. If you do not have dandruff, dilute the lemon juice in water. Alternately, mix lemon juice with yogurt. Apply it on your scalp for few minutes before washing your hair with mild shampoo. Repeat at least daily until itchiness and dryness fade.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This renowned kitchen condiment has powerful anti-inflammation properties that help in killing the yeast and virus that causes itchy scalp. Likewise, apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels of the scalp, relieving itchiness and dryness.

The remedy: Rinse your hair and scalp with water. Allow it to dry. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water and pour the mixture into spray bottle. Apply the mixture directly onto your scalp with the use of cotton balls. Spray it on your scalp. After application, leave it for few minutes then shampoo your hair and rinse.  Do this once or twice a week.

  1. Aloe Vera

This plant has moisturizing properties that relieves too much dryness and itching.

The remedy: Using your fingers spread some fresh Aloe Vera gel onto your scalp. Allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Rinse well.

  1. Coconut oil

The tree of life has proven its many uses and benefits. Using its oil, it creates a barrier that aids in keeping the skin moisturized. Hence, it is an effective way to treat itchy scalp.

The remedy: Rub a little coconut oil on the scalp after washing your hair. Leave it there for at least half an hour. Wash it out with a perfume-free shampoo.  Do this remedy three times a week.

Another option is to gently heat coconut oil and let it melt. Add the melted coconut oil to your shampoo before washing your hair.

  1. Sesame Seed Oil

This natural oil nourishes, heals and lubricates, making it an effective treatment for dry scalp and alleviate your scalp from itchiness.

The remedy: Heat some sesame oil to warm it slightly. Massage your scalp with warm oil before going to bed. For best results, massage the scalp with your fingertips for at least 10 minutes. Wrap your head with hot towel and leave it for 10 minutes before sleeping. When the oil remains on the scalp all night, it delivers moisture to your hair. As soon as you wake up the next day, shampoo and rinse your scalp and hair thoroughly. Continue doing this treatment if necessary.

  1. Tea tree oil

This oil treats itchy scalp for it possesses natural antifungal, anti-inflammation and antibacterial properties.

The remedy: Add 10 to 20 drops of tea tree oil to one-half cup of baby shampoo and use it daily until your scalp improves. You can opt to dilute two to three drops of tea tree oil in one tablespoon of vegetable oil and massage the mixture on the scalp.  With regular use, this remedy will heal a dry, itchy scalp within a week or two.

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