Foods That Help Boost Fertility

Do you seem to have a hard time conceiving? It’s very important for you to consult a fertility specialist most especially if you fail to achieve pregnancy after a year or more of having unprotected sex.

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There are many different reasons why being on the family way may be elusive. Sometimes you just need a fertility boost with the help of certain foods that are known to increase your chances of conceiving. Including the following in your regular diet may actually make it easier for you to get pregnant:

Brown Rice
Packed with complex carbohydrates, brown rice is said to help a woman achieve regular ovulation. Another nice thing about serving brown rice on the table regularly is it also supplies your body with folate, a nutrient so important for a developing fetus because it helps ward off neural tube defects.

Whole Milk
Aside from making your bones strong, calcium found abundantly in whole milk is said to be vital for optimum reproductive health. Many women who have had a hard time conceiving swear by the effectiveness of drinking a glass of whole milk daily. This beverage also supplies your body with other nutrients you need during pregnancy.

Olive Oil
Thanks to its loads of antioxidants, olive oil helps make it easier for you to be on the family way. The reason behind such is this: antioxidants in olive oil help put a stop to inflammation, a condition which is associated with a lot of problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and of course infertility.

Men and women alike can benefit from consuming oranges if they wish to have babies. That’s because vitamin C in oranges is known to help boost fertility. Other excellent sources of the said nutrient include bell peppers, guavas, kiwis, berries, papayas, tomatoes, kale, Swiss chards, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

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Available all-year round, eating bananas can make getting on the family way a trouble-free task. That’s because these elongated fruits contain vitamin B6, a nutrient that regulates hormones, thus making it easier for a woman to conceive. Men should also eat bananas for improved sperm quality.

The consumption of eggs is especially beneficial for women as they are packed with vitamin D. Studies have shown that a lot of women who had a hard time getting pregnant were deficient in the said nutrient. The nicest thing about eggs is they also contain nutrients that help ward off birth defects: omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.

Thanks to selenium in salmon, both the eggs and sperm can be protected from being damaged by free radicals. Salmon is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids important for regulating the hormones. Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include oily fish like sardines, tuna, trout, halibut and herring.

Black Beans
Especially if you are suffering from immunological issues or polycystic ovary syndrome, both of which can make it hard for you to conceive, it’s a good idea to include black beans in the diet. That’s because their fiber content helps regulate your blood sugar levels and ultimately fertility issues.

Vitamin E is something that is known to help produce healthy sperm in men. That’s why snacking on vitamin E-rich almonds or sprinkling them on yogurt or oatmeal can make getting pregnant easier. Other top-notch sources of the nutrient include pistachios, pecans, tofu, spinach, avocados, sunflower seeds and squash.

Zinc found abundantly in oysters is a nutrient known to help improve testosterone levels in men. Medical authorities say that the mineral is also essential for good quality sperm. Women trying to conceive should also eat oysters to help ward off disrupted menstrual cycle and miscarriage.

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