Health Benefits of Vegemite

Vegemite is a thick, dark brown spread from Down Under. It’s something that is almost a hundred years old now and a staple in Australian kitchens since it came into being. Originally referred to as “Pure Vegetable Extract”, it cannot be denied that Vegemite is one of the most nutritionally dense spreads on the face of the planet.

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What makes Vegemite good for you is its star ingredient, which is brewer’s yeast. This by-product of manufacturing of beer is combined malt and vegetable extracts, resulting in a vitamin- and mineral-packed spread. According to nutrition experts, Vegemite is loaded with B vitamins, and it also contains iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The taste of Vegemite is like no other — it’s a glorious mix of salty and malty. Consuming large amounts of this Aussie gem at a time is not a good idea because the flavor is really strong. One should always remember the adage “a little goes a long way” when it comes to the consumption of Vegemite.

So how does one add Vegemite to one’s diet? Australians love spreading it on bread and crackers. There are also various baked goodies that can be made heavenly by Vegemite. From time to time, this spread with a really unique taste can be used for flavoring thick soups and stews. Indeed, Vegemite is one versatile product!

However, there is one downside to this Down Under spread, and it’s the fact that it contains lots of sodium. It is for this reason exactly why only small amounts of it should be consumed at a time, most especially by those with heart disease or at risk of it and are advised by their respective doctors to minimize their daily intake of sodium.

Provided that Vegemite is used sparingly, then its high-sodium content should not really be a problem. Besides, turning your back on this Aussie spread also means keeping yourself from enjoying the health benefits that it offers, which come aplenty. Here are some of the perks that Vegemite is known to offer:

It Energizes the Body

As mentioned earlier, Vegemite is flooded with B vitamins. The said nutrients are important for the conversion of carbs into fuel. So in other words, the intake of Vegemite can give you a boost of energy. Since Vegemite is usually eaten together with bread or crackers, it’s something that can definitely get you going.

It Keeps the Nerves Healthy

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B vitamins are also essential for optimally-functioning nerves. Your everyday diet should include B vitamins to ensure that your nerves are healthy. A diet that contains good amounts of B vitamins, according to medical experts, can help prevent nerve-related issues such as peripheral neuropathy.

It Also Prevents Neural Tube Defects

Pregnant women and their babies can benefit tremendously from the consumption of Vegemite. That’s because the Aussie spread contains folate. A type of B vitamin, folate is important for the prevention of neural tube defects in babies, which are birth defects that involve the brain as well as spinal cord.

It Wards Off Anemia

Another nutrient found in every serving of Vegemite is iron, which is essential for the formation of oxygen-transporting red blood cells or RBCs. In other words, the regular consumption of vegemite can help supply your body with good amounts of iron, and thus keeping iron-deficiency anemia from striking.

It Strengthens Bones and Teeth

Vegemite also supplies your body with calcium, and everyone knows that this mineral is vital for strengthening the bones and lowering one’s risk of having osteoporosis. The addition of vegemite in the diet helps keep your teeth strong, too. There is also magnesium in Vegemite, which works hand in hand with calcium.

Have you tried Vegemite already? If so, feel free to share how you find its taste and how you prefer to consume it in the comments section below!

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