Health Benefits of Fiddleheads

Fiddleheads refer to the rolled up leaflets of the fiddlehead fern, which is also known as “shuttlecock fern” and “ostrich fern”. They are being consumed in various parts of the world such as Northern France, Australia, New Zealand and numerous parts of Asia. You, too, should have them included in your diet as fiddleheads are so nutritious.

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Unlike many vegetables, it is not usually a good idea to have fiddleheads consumed raw. That’s because they can be very tough, which can make the stomach hurt. Also, fiddleheads taste kind of bitter when they’re uncooked.

Luckily, there are many ways to cook fiddleheads. In areas of the planet where they are regularly eaten as vegetables, they are steamed, boiled, sautéed and stir-fried. Since fiddleheads go very well with many other vegetables, they’re staple salad additions. In some countries, fiddleheads are also pickled.

As you can see, fiddleheads are so versatile so you are not going to have a challenge looking for ways to make them a part of your diet on your regular basis. And that’s something you should do because these interesting-looking vegetables offer numerous health benefits. Some of the most incredible ones include:

Increased Resistance to Infections

Fiddleheads are wonderful sources of vitamin C which, just like everybody knows, is so important for having the immune system strengthened. Especially if it seems like you are highly susceptible to having the flu or common cold, it’s a wonderful idea to have fiddleheads and other vitamin C-rich foods consumed as regularly as you can.

Slowed Down Aging of the Skin

Because fiddleheads are loaded with vitamin C, eating them is good for keeping the skin from aging quickly. You see, vitamin C is actually an antioxidant that neutralizes excess free radicals that damage and age your skin. What’s more, it is necessitated for the production of collagen that firms up the skin, keeping fine lines and wrinkles from forming.

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Boosted Eye Health and Eyesight

There are also good amounts of vitamin A present in fiddleheads. It’s no secret that this particular nutrient is very important for keeping the eyes healthy and vision sharp. In other words, eating fiddleheads and other food sources of vitamin A can help ward off serious eye problems, many of which can lead to vision loss.

Regulated Blood Pressure

There are a couple of reasons why fiddleheads are beneficial most especially for hypertensive people who need to have their blood pressures normalized. First, fiddleheads are very low in sodium so they won’t contribute to the problem. Second, these rolled up leaflets are excellent sources of blood pressure-lowering potassium.

Lowered Risk of Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Fiddleheads are so rich in iron that their consumption on a regular basis can help ward of iron-deficiency anemia, or even reverse it! That’s because the iron they contain helps in the production of red blood cells or RBCs. Other than skin paleness, iron-deficiency anemia also causes shortness of breath, heart palpitations and constant fatigue.

Eliminated Excess Pounds

If you are trying to get rid of excess pounds or stay within your ideal weight, then it’s a great idea for you to consume fiddleheads very often. That’s because these vegetables are very low in calories. In addition, they are phenomenal sources of fiber. In other words, fiddleheads are heavy on the stomach, saving you from overeating.

Decreased Constipation Risk

Since they are packed with fiber, fiddleheads can help prevent constipation from striking. You can think of fiber as a broom that sweeps out anything that should not be lingering in the lower part of your digestive system. Eating fiddleheads and other fiber-rich foods regularly may also keep at bay colon cancer.

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