Home Remedies for Red and Hot Ears

You’re not the only one who can tell that your ears are feeling hot, but everyone else around you. That’s because it’s very much likely for your ears to appear red, too. If you often have red and hot ears, continue reading for this article will tell you some of its common causes, and what you can do to keep the problem to a minimum.

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The environment, your emotions and hormonal imbalance — commonly, these are the ones to blame for ears that are red and hot. Usually, the problem is nothing serious and will go away on its own.

However, it’s a different thing if your ears look red and feel hot for several days in a row. This is most especially true if it’s accompanied by some other unusual signs and symptoms such as intense pain, blisters and the presence of blood. Consulting a doctor is definitely a smart move to have the underlying cause identified and treated.

But if your doctor says that you are in the pink of health, then there is no need to panic when your ears become red and hot. These are some of the solutions that you may try:

Limit Exposure to the Elements

Usually, it’s the cold weather to blame for red and hot ears — your ears extend out of the sides of your face, and that is why they can get easily exposed to the environment. During the coldest parts of the year, it’s a good idea for you to wear beanies or ear warmers to help keep your ears from becoming red and hot.

Control Your Emotions

Being angry can also make your ears appear red and feel hot, and that’s why knowing how to tame your emotions can help a lot. Since there can be complications during the heat of the moment, consider distancing yourself. Take a walk until your anger subsides — this can save you from doing things you will regret later on, and keep red and hot ears at bay.

Relax and Take Deep Breaths

It’s not uncommon for individuals who suffer from anxiety to have red and hot ears each time negative thoughts are running through their minds. If you’re one of these people, then look for ways that can help calm your mind. Meditating, listening to music or chatting with a friend can help allay your anxiety as well as those red and hot ears.

Add More Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Not all fats are the same — some of them are actually good for you, like those omega-3 fatty acids. According to experts, these healthy fats are very good at dealing with hormonal imbalance, something that can make your ears look red and feel hot. Mackerel, trout, herring, tuna, nuts and seeds are some of the best sources of healthy fats.

Ditch Processed Foods

Staying away from foods that don’t look the same as they are in nature is also a wonderful idea in order to maintain the proper balance of hormones within, and thus save you from having red and hot ears. Also, consider opting for organic food to prevent introducing hormone-disrupting chemicals into your body.

JUST A FEW WORDS OF CAUTION: It’s a good idea for you to pay your doctor a visit if it seems like your ears always look red and feel hot because it may be due to an underlying medical condition, such as temporomandibular disease (TMD), a problem with the thyroid, or an autoimmune disorder.

Do you suffer from red and hot ears from time to time and there’s a home remedy for it that you swear by? Kindly post in the comments section below what you do whenever the problem strikes. And also, feel free to share this article on social media to let your family and friends know what to do if ever their ears become red and hot.

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