DIY Natural Home Remedy First Aid Kit

We all need to have our own first aid kit at home but sometimes, using pre-packaged first aid kits are sorely lacking in treating various problems. Although these kits are handy to have around, going natural in terms of treating ailments and injuries is much better and safer too. If you want to have an alternative solution at home, these DIY natural home remedies should be considered as part of your first aid kit.

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This topical cream is actually useful when it comes to treating muscle pain, bruises, injury, or any kind of trauma for that matter. When applied immediately and regularly, it will help reduce the healing time for the bruises and sore muscles. However, this solution is not recommended for open cuts or taken internally.

Coconut oil

Another home remedy that you should include in your first aid kit is coconut oil. What’s great about coconut oil is that it contains antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties making it effective in treating nail fungus and other fungal infections. It can also be used to help banish scars on the skin.

Cayenne powder

Cayenne is often used when cooking as it gives that extra kick to our meals but did you know that it is actually a good addition to your DIY natural home remedy first aid kit? Cayenne powder can actually be applied topically to help stop the bleeding quickly. You can also take cayenne capsules to improve blood flow that will aid in your recovery.

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Aloe vera

If you can grow aloe vera at home then do so. This herbal plant has plenty of benefits for you to reap such as boost hair growth, banish scars, heal acne and other skin problems, and can soothe the pain from burns and cuts too. The gel is actually found in the leaves of the plant which you can harvest as needed. What’s great about aloe vera is that they are quick to grow so you won’t run out of this remedy.

Eucalyptus herb and essential oil

Eucalyptus is actually a good remedy for respiratory problems. You can do a face steam when you have colds or sinus problems as this can open up your nasal passages so you will be able to breathe easier. You can also use eucalyptus essential oil to help you or your family breathe easier. You will need to dilute it first with olive oil or coconut oil before applying to the feet and chest to open the nasal passageways.


Look for recyclable compresses that are made from safe materials so you can apply hot or cold compress on sore muscles or joints. 

These are just a few examples of DIY natural home remedies that you can actually use as part of your first aid at home.  These are safe to use and can yield some amazing results too.

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