Natural Home Remedies for Summer Ailments

It’s time for some fun in the sun. We want to make the best of our summer! Get a tan, hit the beach, go on a road trip, try a new water sport and more! Before going on that much needed Summer vacation, remember to take of yourself first. One of the worst things to happen during the summer is to be sick. So, here are a few things to remember when you burn out under the sun.

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Here are some all natural remedies to common summer problems.

Swimmer’s ear
Do you frequently get swimmer’s ear? Use ear plugs and avoid completely immersing yourself or going too deep in the water
Use Garlic oil and Mullein oil to prevent getting ear infections.

Yes, I know you went to the beach to get a tan, but it is still important to wear sunblock. Exposing yourself in the sun for too long can cause mild to severe sunburn. If you plan on staying long, apply sunblock every few hours.
Cool down the affected area immediately. Go have a cold shower for about 10 minutes, this prevents the sunburn from getting worse and can relieve the pain. Aloe Vera and cooled chamomile tea can be applied to the sunburnt area for instant relief. Lavender oil is effective in speeding up the healing process of sunburn. Avoid going under the sun, this will irritate the burn and make it worse.

Travel sickness
If you suffer from travel sickness, always have a ginger in hand. Add half a teaspoon of powdered ginger to water or any beverages. You can also chew on some garlic to prevent travel sickness.
Travel sickness can be prevented early, but if you are suffering from travel sickness its best to drink small amounts of filtered water and eat protein rich snacks. Avoid sitting in the back of the car and request to stop if you have to.

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Heat rash
Too much heat can give us heat rash. You can get heat rash without even exposing yourself in the sun. The best way to prevent this is to stay cool, when in a cramped and humid space remember to wear light cotton clothing. Open a window to let in some air or use a bucket of ice to cool down.
Apply chilled chamomile tea or Mix a cup of baking soda with four drops of lavender oil, use this with your warm bath.

Summer colds
Boost your immune system by eating the right foods and vitamins. Add some mushrooms, onions, garlic, ginger and veggies to your diet. This can boost your immune system and prevent onset summer colds.
Drinks plenty of water and eat antioxidant rich foods like strawberries and broccoli.

Athlete’s foot
Due to the heat of the summer we are more prone to getting athlete’s foot. Prevent this by wearing open shoes or shoes that are too enclosed. Wash your feet every day and keep it dry Moisture helps the fungus to grow.
Create a foot soak with Epsom salts or a foot bath with apple cider vinegar. This can kill the fungus on your feet that causes the athlete’s foot.

Induced headaches
Induced headaches can be caused by dehydration. Remember to bring water everywhere and take a sip every hour. Avoid noisy or congested places. The summer heat can cause our hunger reflex to slow down. Eat regularly to avoid getting headaches from hunger.
Drink ginger, peppermint and chamomile tea for relief. Do some yoga and breathing exercises to lessen the intensity of the headache.
Now you know how to prevent and cure these summer ailments, you can jump into your summer without worries. Enjoy your summer and make every minute count!

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