Don’t Fail to Recognize These Kidney Failure Signs

Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are situated in your lower back. Their primary task is to remove anything that is not supposed to be in the bloodstream, as well as keep everything that should be in it intact. Needless to say, the kidneys are just like your liver — they help in making sure that toxins do not accumulate in the body.

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Unfortunately, the kidneys are not impervious to being damaged. When they become inefficient in doing their job, kidney failure strikes, which is definitely something that can put a person’s life in peril!

It’s easy to see why kidney failure is a life-threatening condition: poisonous substances and waste materials collect in the bloodstream, harming just about any vital organ of the body including the heart. Without undergoing dialysis or kidney transplantation right away, it’s not unlikely for someone with kidney failure to go into coma and even die.

Needless to say, it’s very important to make sure that the kidneys are in tip-top shape. Below you will find some of the signs that may indicate that your bean-shaped duos are failing or at the brink of it:

Decreased Production of Urine

Since the kidneys are no longer able to remove unwanted substances in the bloodstream, it doesn’t come as a surprise why the amount of urine produced is decreased. The little urine you pee also tends to be frothy or bubbly due to the presence of protein. When checked under a microscope, blood may be present.

Swelling of the Lower Extremities

Fluids that the kidneys are unable to remove tend to collect in the body, in particular in the lower extremities as gravity is causing them to accumulate there. Someone whose kidneys are failing tend to exhibit swollen feet, ankles and legs. It’s not unlikely for the individual’s face to become swollen, too.

Tightness in the Chest

It’s not just in the lower extremities and face where fluids that the kidneys fail to flush out collect, but also in the lungs. This is the reason why one of the indicators of kidney failure is a feeling of tightness in the chest. The person may have shortness of breath, which is true whether he or she is engaging in a physical activity or while at rest.

Increased Blood Pressure or Hypertension

Because excess fluids (together with toxins) remain in the bloodstream, the blood pressure of an individual with kidney failure becomes increased. Due to this, even more serious problems can arise. If left uncontrolled, high blood pressure is something that can damage the blood vessels, heart and other organs.

Anemia and Its Various Symptoms

When the blood becomes diluted with fluids and other substances, anemia takes place. This is something that can cause so many other issues that are associated with the blood condition. Some of them include fatigue, shortness of breath, feeling cold all the time, and pica — the desire to consume non-nutritive items like paper, ice and hair.

Nausea and Vomiting

Clearly, the accumulation of poisonous substances and waste materials in the body can cause all sorts of problems. Nausea and vomiting are some of those that may be encountered as a result. By the way, the person may also have a metallic taste in the mouth as well as exhibit the so-called “ammonia breath”.

Difficulty Concentrating and Seizures

The brain is definitely affected by the collection of fluids and toxins in the bloodstream. Someone whose kidneys are no longer functioning as optimally as it should may have a hard time concentrating, and also experience confusion. Poisonous substances as well as increased pressure in the brain can also cause seizures.

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