Recipe for Making Homemade Coconut Butter

Do you regularly buy coconut butter because you like to spread it on toast or love to employ it for dealing with a host of beauty problems such as skin roughness or hair dryness? Then this article is made exclusively for you.

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Below you will come across a very simple recipe for making pure coconut butter, something that does not contain artificial preservatives or any other unnecessary ingredients. It’s actually not a recipe because all you will need is a single ingredient, and the only step you will need to do is keep on mixing using your blender or food processor.

Remember to share this article afterwards so that your family members and friends who are also into the use of coconut butter may also know how to make it from scratch without breaking a sweat, letting them save a lot of money.

There are so many different uses for coconut butter. You can use it as:

A replacement for butter and margarine 

A healthy form of cooking oil 

A dressing for your salads 

A baking ingredient for making all sorts of treats 

A smoothie addition 

A substitute for your hand and body lotion 

A sunburn or skin irritation soother 

A hair moisturizer or conditioner 

A balm for dry, chapped or cracked lips

Can you think of other brilliant uses for coconut butter? If so, feel free to share some of them in the comments section below so that others may also give it a try.

But first, let us know the very easy steps for making coconut butter in your very own kitchen:

-Get your hands on dried coconut flakes that are unsweetened. You may also go for shredded coconut, but do take note that flakes make for a smoother finished product. Refrain from opting for desiccated coconut, or something that’s fresh because it’s not going to make your first DIY coconut butter task a pleasing experience. Avoid using something that’s sweetened to avoid ending up with unhealthy coconut butter. 

-Put 4 cups of coconut flakes or shredded coconut in your blender. This amount is going to yield about 2 cups of coconut butter. While you may opt for more or less than the recommended amount of ingredients, do take note that opting for 4 cups of coconut flakes or shredded coconut can make it easier for you to come up with coconut butter having the right consistency. Feel free to experiment the next time you make another batch of homemade coconut butter. 

-Blend on high and be patient. Usually, it can take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes before coconut flakes or shredded coconut turn into something that resembles coconut butter consistency-wise. Once in a while, stop blending and scrape the sides of the blender using a rubber or plastic spatula. Doing this allows you to end up with DIY coconut butter that boasts of the smoothest texture possible. 

-You may also use a food processor, but there are a few downsides to it. For instance, a food processor may take you a longer time to produce homemade coconut butter. Also, you may not end up with the most buttery result. However, there are also a couple of advantages for using a food processor. First, you can easily make a small batch of homemade coconut butter with it. Second, it’s easier to scrape out coconut butter after processing. 

-Once you have achieved a buttery consistency, all that’s left for you to do is transfer the finished product to a container. After some time, your homemade coconut butter will solidify so there is really no need to stash its container in the refrigerator. However, feel free to store it in the refrigerator if you like. When using your DIY coconut butter, simply heat in the microwave for about 10 seconds.

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