Natural Alternatives to NSAIDs

Ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, ketorolac. ketoprofen, indomethacin — these are just some examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Just like what the name suggests, NSAIDs are formulated to help deal with inflammation and also pain. These drugs are available OTC and via prescription, and they are commonly administered for the purpose of reducing muscle and joint swelling and aching.

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While extremely effective, sadly, NSAIDs are notorious for causing a bunch of side effects, many of which can be quite unfavorable. Some of those that are commonly reported by consumers include dizziness, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea and tinnitus, which is a condition that’s characterized by a ringing or buzzing in the ears.

Health providers themselves confess that there are actually risks associated with the administration of NSAIDs, especially if they’re taken at very high doses and also for long periods of time. For instance, numerous studies say that NSAIDs may cause liver damage, kidney failure, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Terrified of popping an NSAID in your mouth because of the nasty side effects and serious health risks? Then keep on reading — below you will come across some of the best natural alternatives to NSAIDs. Feel free to share this article on your various social media sites later on so that your family members and friends who are experiencing muscle and joint inflammation and pain may also know that they may give the following a try:


It’s common knowledge that ginger is the ultimate home remedy for an assortment of digestive issues, ranging from acid reflux to diarrhea. Did you know that ginger is also something that you may count on each time you’re battling swelling and aching muscles and joints? Rather than swallow an NSAID, it’s a much better idea for you to enjoy a cup of freshly-brewed ginger tea and then give the affected area plenty of rest.

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Actually, turmeric is related to ginger. This is why it doesn’t really come as a massive surprise why this bright yellow-colored culinary spice may be employed to deal with both inflammation and pain. For much-needed relief, you may take turmeric in tea form or apply it directly on the affected area.

Chamomile Essential Oil

Individuals who are into aromatherapy know very well that chamomile essential oil is something that can help deal with insomnia without any delay. Sadly, not a lot of people know that this fine-smelling volatile essential oil also has superb anti-inflammatory properties. What’s more, it boasts of the ability to relax tired and tensed muscles. This is why diluting and massaging it on problem muscles and joints can help provide relief.


An oily type of fish, mackerel is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which are fats that are scientifically-proven to reduce as well as prevent inflammation. Needless to say, adding mackerel and other oily types of fish like salmon and sardines to the diet is good for reducing swelling and aching. Other food sources of omega-3 fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.


Everyone is well-aware of the fact that a little cinnamon can make so many different types of baked goods smell and taste so unforgettable. Did you know that this spice with a smell all its own actually has anti-inflammatory properties? In fact, numerous studies say that cinnamon is just as powerful as some NSAIDs when it comes to dealing with inflammation and pain. A little of it can be added to the diet, or it may be turned into paste and massaged on affected areas.

WARNING: If you’re doctor has prescribed you with NSAIDs, don’t just stop taking them — it’s for certain that the prescribing doctor knows for a fact that the benefits of you taking NSAIDs outweigh the risk. But if you still have concerns, approach your doctor and ask about your other options.

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