10 Daily Nutrients

Tired of looking at food labels, trying to determine whether what you are buying is healthy or not?
Here are some daily nutrients that you need to have.

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Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. The mineralization of bones and the growth of cells are its two other important jobs in keeping the body healthy. A steady supply of Vitamin K is necessary because the lack of it may cause brittle bones, nose bleeds, and bruising. Men need 120 micrograms of Vitamin K daily while women need 90 micrograms a day.


To keep and to sustain healthy cells, choline is needed. You can get this from eggs, beans, and peas. Women need a daily intake of 425 milligrams a day while men need 550 milligrams a day. Choline is necessary for muscles and nerves to function properly.


For all the 300 biochemical reactions in the body, magnesium is a necessity. Besides maintaining healthy bones, it also helps in regulating blood pressure. It is also responsible to keep our defenses up by boosting the immune system.

Vitamin E

For the prevention of cell-damage that usually leads to cancer, vitamin E is a potent anti-oxidant.  Women are required to have at least 15 milligrams a day while men need 15 grams a day. Lack of Vitamin E can be the cause of nerve damage.

Vitamin C

Known for its role in the body’s immune system, Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant that helps lower the risk of cancer. It is necessary for the healing of wounds. Men’s RDA is 90 milligrams a day while women’s have 75 milligrams of RDA.


Weight is best maintained with fiber. It also keeps those who eat it from heart disease and diabetes. It is the factor that keeps digestion healthy.


A lack in potassium is also a factor that contributes to the increase in blood pressure. Also, the risk of osteoporosis and the risk of the formation of kidney stones can be the result of havng less potassium in the body.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the builder of strong bones. It also helps in maintaining the bones strong. Up to 70 years old, women and women need 600 international units of vitamin D and 800 international units above 70 years of age.

Vitamin A

Besides keeping the eyesight healthy, it is also responsible for keeping a robust immune system. Tissue growth along with other psychological functions is aided by vitamin A.


Calcium is required to keep the bones healthy. At the same time, it is necessary for the heart and arteries to be protected. The risk of breast cancer and other cancers as well are reduced with Calcium.



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