Natural Home Remedy for Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s automatic defense mechanism against harmful stimuli. Functioning like a strategic “hit-and-run”, inflammation is designed for short-term protection letting other defenses of the body to take over. When inflammation becomes chronic or prolonged, problems such as degenerative diseases and even extreme diseases like cancer can be seen.

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Sulfur compounds are found in garlic, which reduces inflammation. The same compounds can also be used to cure cancer and even toning down the risk of heart attack. There are many ways to consume garlic in a favorable manner than simply eating it raw. A few minutes of searching the internet should do the trick.

When a ginger was examined in a laboratory, it has been discovered that ginger has compounds which come to blows against inflammation, a primary source of pain. If you’re someone with a very active lifestyle or an athlete suffering from muscle aches, then this is particularly recommended for you.

Extra virgin olive oil has omega-3 fatty acids that boost vision by preventing macular degeneration. Omega-3 fatty acid is in addition anti-inflammatory and reduces fatigue.

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Contrary to its eerie name, it’s not as destructively harmful as a devil’s actual paw. Often sold in the form of capsules, ointments or tea, the Devil’s Claw has components that relieve inflammations.

Do you see that thin, plastic-like layer between the shell of a boiled egg and the edible egg itself? Three things about it: it is called an egg membrane, it’s actually an herb, and it reduces inflammations. You’re not supposed to actually eat the layer, but you can use it as an alternative for Band-Aid if you have a cut. Egg Membrane is sold in supplement form.

Witch hazel has many healing properties such as anti-cancer, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory. This herb is applied externally by facial astringent or in a compress. There are also witch hazel extracts and teas purchasable in food stores.

A spice originating in India with a compound called ‘curcumin’, which reduces inflammation. For centuries Turmeric has been used to treat wounds, for dental care, and colds. It is recommended to take this in supplement form.

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