Home Remedies for Nipple Eczema

Nipple eczema is something that can bring so much discomfort to a woman. This is especially true if she is breastfeeding, as the act of providing her little one with sustenance can be quite painful. The causes of nipple eczema are different, and there are also various natural remedies available for it.

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A trip to the doctor makes it possible for a woman to obtain medical treatment for her nipple eczema, no matter if it’s mild or severe. However, a lot of those who are facing the said problem prefer to go for some all-natural means to have the condition dealt with. Breastfeeding women most especially should be very careful when treating their nipple eczema because whatever they apply on their nipples could easily end up in the mouths of their babies.

Below you will find some of the home remedies effective for a mild case of nipple eczema:

Rinse Your Nipples Using Cool Water

It’s important to have the affected nipple rinsed in cool water to attain relief from discomfort. Using hot water for rinsing the nipples is not a good idea as it will only aggravate the problem. After rinsing your nipples with cool water, immediately pat dry with a clean towel. However, too much washing should be avoided.

Keep Contact With Perspiration to a Minimum

Perspiration can cause nipple eczema to worsen, and that’s why contact with it should be kept to a minimum. For instance, consider wearing cotton bra and top when exercising, and take a shower or cleanse the nipple area immediately after exercising. The area should be thoroughly dried before putting on clean bra and top.

Choose Your Clothing Very Well

It will also help if you keep friction to a minimum if you don’t want your nipple eczema to become aggravated. Putting on bras that properly fit is a good idea. Also, a woman with nipple eczema should dodge clothes that are made from synthetic or rough fabrics to keep irritation of the nipples at bay.

Regularly Apply Non-Allergenic Moisturizer

Nipples with eczema should be kept from becoming dry. Otherwise, the problem may only cause you to experience more pain and discomfort. To ward off excessive dryness of the nipples, regularly apply moisturizer, preferably one that’s mild and non-allergenic. Do cleanse the nipples with mild soap and water before breastfeeding.

Steer Clear of Products With Strong Chemicals

Other than perspiration, there are also so many other things that can cause irritation of the nipples, and many of them can be found in personal care or grooming products. Go for soap and shampoo that are mild. The same is true with your laundry detergent. Avoid spraying perfume on or near your nipples.

Watch Carefully What You Put in Your Mouth

It’s not just what comes into contact with your nipples that you have to be wary of, but also what you eat. It’s because there are certain food allergens that can actually exacerbate nipple eczema. For many sufferers of nipple eczema, the likes of sweets, grains, nuts, eggs and dairy products can make their problem worse.

Also Mind What You are Feeding Your Little One

Maybe it’s not what you are eating that’s aggravating your nipple eczema, but what your baby does. It’s very much possible for the stuff that your baby is eating to contribute to your problem. For instance, breastfeeding your baby can cause those food irritants in his or her saliva to trigger or worsen your skin condition.

If your nipple eczema is leaving you in a great deal of pain or is keeping you from properly breastfeeding your baby, seek the help of your doctor. He or she is the one who knows how to effectively manage moderate to severe cases of eczema, most especially if you are currently breastfeeding.

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