Tamari: Get to Know the Perks of Using This Japanese Seasoning

In Japan, there is a particular seasoning that is considered as much healthier and tastier than soy sauce, and it’s called tamari. The process of making it is lengthy, but the end product is well worth it. Another wonderful thing about tamari is, unlike other Japanese seasonings, it contains very little or absolutely no wheat at all.

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Your favorite Asian grocer or health food store is very much likely to be carrying tamari. If you come across it, make sure that you put it in your shopping cart because it will surely make your every cooking as well as meal time heartier. Let’s start getting to know tamari — how it’s made and the health benefits it offers!

How Tamari is Made

Just like what’s mentioned earlier, the process of making tamari is a time-consuming one. Just how long before the raw materials are turned into this amazing Japanese seasoning? Anywhere from a year and a half to two full years! Due to this, it’s no wonder why tamari costs a little more than your average soy sauce.

Actually, tamari is also made from soybeans just like soy sauce. However, what makes it so much admirable than soy sauce is the fact that the soybeans used for making it are fermented using a type of mold — aspergillus oryzae.

Soybeans are combined with water and a little sea salt, and then aspergillus oryzae is thrown into the mix. Everything is then stored into barrels out of wood, allowing the passing of months to complete the job. This long fermentation process results in a seasoning that is thicker, darker and more flavorful that your good old soy sauce!

Benefits It Comes With

Packs less sodium. While still on the salty side of things, tamari actually contains less sodium than soy sauce. This only means that this Japanese seasoning may be enjoyed by individuals who are on a low-sodium diet. But just like when employing any other sodium-containing seasoning, tamari should be taken moderately.

Has little or no wheat. Unlike other seasonings or sauces coming from Japan, tamari contains very little or absolutely no wheat at all. In other words, it may be incorporated in the diet of people who do not tolerate anything that has wheat or gluten in it. Still it’s important for a consumer to make observations after having tamari.

Contains enzymes. Other than making meals heartier, tamari also helps the body become more nourished. It’s for the fact that this seasoning contains lots of enzymes that help in the process of digestion. Thanks to tamari, every mealtime is not only more pleasing to the taste buds, but highly nourishing to the body, too.

Supplies protein. Because tamari is made from soybeans, every serving of it provides protein. We all know that protein is essential for building as well as repairing muscles. Protein is also necessitated for the maintenance of the structures of various cells and tissues of the body, and also for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones.

Yields calcium. Another nutrient that tamari has is calcium. It’s no secret that this particular mineral is vital for making the bones strong. So in other words, making tamari your all-around seasoning can help lower your risk of osteoporosis. Just make sure that you also get your regular dose of exercise and opt for a healthier lifestyle!

Prevents anemia. Then there is also iron in every serving of tamari. This only means that employing this Japanese seasoning during your meals can help in warding off iron-deficiency anemia. You see, iron is a mineral that’s very important for the production of those oxygen-carrying red blood cells or RBCs.

Have you tried tamari? How does it compare with soy sauce? Kindly share your thoughts below!

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