Health Problems That Your Dentist Might Detect

Visiting your dentist at least once a year allows for the early detection and treatment of oral problems. But did you know that your dentist may also be able to discover issues that are not related to your pearly whites and gums?

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This article will talk about some non-dental health problems that your dentist may be able to notice.

Make sure that you repost this article on your various social media sites later on so that your family and friends may also get to realize just how important regular visits to the dentist are!

Acid Reflux

Everyone knows acid reflux can cause heartburn. However, not too many people are aware that it’s also capable of eroding the enamel of the teeth, especially the upper molars at the back.

If during a routine checkup your dentist notices enamel erosion in your back molars, he is likely to advise you to see a gastroenterologist — a doctor who is specializing in treating various problems concerning the digestive system or gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from bulimia may be able to hide the problem from their family and friends, but they cannot keep it from their dentists. This form of eating disorder can be really harsh on the enamel of the teeth, gums and other soft tissues in the oral cavity, courtesy of the stomach acids being regurgitated.

A dentist can easily tell that his or her patient has bulimia if there is mouth dryness, bleeding of the gums and signs of erosion especially on the back of the front teeth.

High Stress Levels

There are so many things that having high levels of stress can bring, ranging from a bigger waistline to a higher risk of having heart disease. Did you know that being stressed all the time can also cause you to have what’s known as bruxism? In layman’s terms, it is the habitual and involuntary grinding of the teeth especially during sleep.

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It’s not unlikely for your dentist to recommend the use of a custom-made night guard to save your teeth from damage. Also, he or she may recommend some lifestyle changes to help reduce your stress.

Oral Cancer

Not all dentists are specializing in the treatment of cancer of the mouth. However, all dentists are capable of detecting the early warning signs of the said form of cancer.

During a routine checkup and your dentist suspects that you have oral cancer due to the presence of white and/or red lesions on the tongue, palate or floor of your mouth, you may be referred to another dental expert who is specializing in the treatment of cancer of the mouth for further investigation.

Type 2 Diabetes

It’s no secret that type 2 diabetes comes with a number of complications, from high blood pressure to nerve pain. Did you know that this disease is also something that can wreak havoc to your oral health?

The presence of mouth dryness, loose teeth and bleeding gums may leave your dentist suspecting that you are actually suffering from type 2 diabetes. He or she might suggest that you immediately pay a primary care physician a visit to have the levels of sugar in your bloodstream checked.


Usually, osteoporosis does not produce any early warning sign. It usually makes its presence known only after it has considerably weakened your bones. However, a dentist may be able to determine if you are suffering from osteoporosis by means of some common dental problems like a receding gum line and the presence of loose teeth.

Just because you have those oral issues doesn’t mean that you have osteoporosis, although you may be suffering from it if you are 50 years old and above, and osteoporosis runs in the family.

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