Natural Remedies that Remove Dark Elbows

Are you plagued of wearing long sleeves due to your dark elbows? Dark elbows are unsightly, but is a communal problem in both men and women. Don’t feel insecure about this problem, it is more common than you think.

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There are different causes of dark elbows. It can be caused by the constant abrasion of elbow area, skin irritation and dry skin. Don’t worry though, this problem can be easily solved with proper treatment.

There are different ways to get lighter eyebrows using natural ingredients you can find at home. These remedies can make your elbows lighter and make it as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

Here are some easy homemade remedies that can remove dark elbows.


Turmeric is great for healing and moisturizing the skin. Mix turmeric with full milk and create a paste. Massage this paste over your dark elbows and let it sit for a few minutes, rinse and wash with soap. Do this every other day until the skin lightens. If the turmeric paste stains the skin don’t worry, this stain will fade in a couple of days.

Olive Oil and Sugar:

Olive oil works as a moisturizer while the sugar functions as an Exfoliator. Mix equal part oil and sugar in a bowl and create a paste. You can apply this paste after a hot shower. Massage it on the area for five to ten minutes and wash with water and mild soap. You can add coffee grounds to the mix to boost lightening effects and use a razor to remove the paste to help remove dead skin in the area.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is great for lightening and exfoliating the skin. Mix in equal parts lightening moisturizer and baking soda or mix equal part milk and baking soda. Use this mixture on the elbows and massage for about 5 minutes. Wash off with cold water and mild soap. Do this every other day until it the area lightens.

Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera is usually used to reduce sun damage, dark elbows that’s been caused by sun damage can be fixed with Aloe Vera gel. Take fresh Aloe Vera and crush the leaves, extract the gel and apply it on the dark area. Leave it on for half an hour and rinse with water.

Plain Lemon:

Lemon has skin lightening and bleaching properties perfect for dark elbows. Cut a lemon in half and use the fresh slice side of the lemon on the elbow. Use the lemon as a scrub in the area, do this before showering to avoid the mess. Leave the mixture on your skin for fifteen to 30 minutes. For extra whitening add honey to your lemon, apply honey on the skin before rubbing the lemon on your dark elbows.

Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter:

These fats works as a great moisturizer and can help lessen the darkness of the skin. This will remove the flaky and dry skin on the elbow. Apply Shea or cocoa butter in the morning and at night every day until the skin turns smooth and light. Use a pumice stone on the elbow area every time you shower to speed up the lightening process.

Try these home remedies and your dark elbows will disappear in no time!

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