Health Benefits of Brown Rice and Sample Recipe

Brown rice has risen as a healthy alternative to white rice and is believed to be superior than the latter in terms of nutritional content.

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The following are the health benefits of brown rice.


Brown rice is rich in antioxidants. According to Organic Facts, the rice variant has potent antioxidants, which help the body get rid of free radicals and other harmful elements. In addition, brown rice also contains the antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase; it safeguards the cells from being damaged during oxidation when energy is produced. Furthermore, studies revealed that brown rice has demonstrated better ability to scavenge radicals and prevent oxidation-related disorders like heart diseases.

Anti-Candida Infection, Fiber, and Obesity

Brown rice has the ability to combat candida infections. According to Veg Kitchen, it is naturally digestible, not to mention that it has low starch and high fiber content. Its low glycemic index makes it a good nutritional option, as foods high in sugar are restricted in candida management. it also contributes to the promotion of the digestive process and metabolism. Also, fiber acts as sweep, which eliminates unneeded materials in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, this prevents a person from being bloated and harmful substances are also eliminated from the body. Along with the sense of fullness it provides, fiber in brown rice also prevents forms of cancer like colorectal cancer.

Along with candida management, brown rice also helps manage cases like overweight and obesity. As per Organic Facts, brown rice also promoted the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase and raises the blood levels of high-density lipoproteins or good cholesterol in obese people. Thus, the amounts of low-density lipoproteins is reduced, preventing the chances of being obese and developing heart problems.

Sample Recipe

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Just like other varieties of rice, brown rice can also be mixed with vegetables and spices, such as Brown Rice Bowls with Stewed Peppers.

According to New York Times, the ingredients include three cups of cooked brown rice, two ounces of Parmesan (finely grated), a basil sprig, three-fourth pound of tomatoes, two plump garlic cloves (minced), a small red onion (chopped), two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, one and a half pound sweet peppers, salt, and pepper.

To prepare, the sweet peppers are cut lengthwise into sections, removing the seeds and membranes. Then, the sections are cut lengthwise. Next, oil is heated in a large heavy skillet over medium heat and the onion is added and stirred for about five minutes. After that, the garlic is also added and stirred for about 30 seconds. Then, the sweet peppers are added and stirred until they are mildly soft. Salt is added to taste.

Once done, the tomatoes, basil sprig, sugar, and black pepper are added and are brought to a simmer and cooked for five to 10 minutes, until the tomatoes have softened and cooked down. Then, the skillet is covered and the heat reduced, simmering the food for another 10 minutes. The food mixture is stirred until the mixture becomes thick and fragrant.

For the Parmesan crisps, oven is heated to 350 degrees and one to two baking sheets are lined with silicon mats or parchment. Grated Parmesan is spooned to the parchment and flattened with a spoon. The mats are baked for nine to ten minutes, switching pans front

to back, until the cheese becomes brown and lacy. Then, they are removed from heat and the rounds are allowed to cool.

Overall, brown rice is considered a nutritious source of carbohydrates and fiber. Preparing it, along with other healthy food options, add satiety to the family’s weekly menu while promoting optimum level of health.

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