Natural Solutions for Hypohidrosis

Also sometimes referred to as anhidrosis, hypohidrosis is characterized by the body’s inability to sweat normally. Experts say that hypohidrosis is usually caused by an underlying medical condition. If you are not able to perspire just like other people, it’s important to consult a doctor because it can actually put your life in danger.

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What makes hypohidrosis particularly dangerous is it keeps the body from regulating its temperature. One of the reasons why you sweat is to keep your body from overheating — sweat on your skin helps bring down the body’s temperature. Without normal sweat production, it’s not unlikely for your body temperature to reach dangerous levels.

One more reason why you sweat is to flush out toxins and waste products in the body. You see, the skin is actually an organ of elimination, and it helps detoxify the body by forcing out poisons and impurities with the help of perspiration. Toxic substances that need to be removed may accumulate within if you have hypohidrosis.

Usually, hypohidrosis can be dealt with by having the underlying medical condition treated. Some of the health problems that may cause hypohidrosis as a symptom include neuropathy (nerve damage) related to diabetes and alcoholism, and skin damage that causes blockages of the pores where sweat exits the body.

Experts say that dehydration may also be the culprit behind hypohidrosis. The intake of certain medications such as those for nausea, bladder problems and mental issues may also cause hypohidrosis. Hypohidrosis can sometimes be due to genetic reasons, which means that the condition can actually be passed by parents their offspring.

Again, it’s important to seek the help of a doctor if you are not sweating normally just like everybody else to avoid the dangerous complications of hypohidrosis. This is especially true if your inability to sweat seems to worsen. There are also a few home remedies that are said to be effective against hypohidrosis, such as:



One of the most common reasons for hypohidrosis is dehydration. This does not come as a surprise because your sweat is primarily made up of water. If you’re dehydrated, it is virtually impossible for your body to be able to perspire. Make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hypohidrosis and its complications at bay.


Cucumber Juice

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Drinking cucumber juice helps keep the body remain hydrated, thus effectively controlling hypohidrosis. What’s so nice about including cucumber juice in the diet is it also helps neutralize toxins that the skin cannot get rid of entirely. Also, cucumber juice helps ward off overheating of the body, thanks to its cooling effect.


Sea Salt

It’s no secret that taking sea salt causes water to collect in the body. This can be beneficial for someone who is suffering from hypohidrosis as it provides the body the ability to sweat. However, this home remedy for hypohidrosis is not recommendable for someone with heart disease as a diet that’s high in sodium is a no-no.


Baking Soda

So many people with hypohidrosis can attest to the effectiveness of baking soda in inducing normal sweating. All you have to do is dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and consume. This is best done after having your dinner. Baking soda restores the body’s proper pH levels, and this can encourage normal sweating.

Everyone knows that ginseng is an herb that’s very good against mental and physical fatigue. Did you know that it’s also something that is effective for hypohidrosis? Ginseng helps stimulate the sweat glands, thus encouraging perspiration. Ginseng is available at many health food stores in the form of capsule and tea.



Last but not least, you may also count on ginger if you are unable to sweat normally. This very common culinary and medicinal herb is capable of removing toxins in the body that may impede the proper functioning of your sweat glands. You may consume a cup of ginger tea every now and then, or simply eat more foods that have ginger in them.

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